Saturday, January 21, 2012

Australian MPs and Senators: Support for WikiLeaks

ROLL CALL! The tables below lists all Australian Senators and MPs and gives each of them a rating based on their expressed public support for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

Click on a Senator or MP's name to view their contact details. If you don't know your local representative's details, click here to search by electorate or postcode. Send them a message, and then let me know the response (comment below, email me or tweet @Jaraparilla) and I will update the table accordingly. Preferably send me a written response and I will post it here with a link. NB: the wording is important (e.g. criticizing Gillard for declaring WikiLeaks "illegal" is helpful but not really support for WikiLeaks).

Please let your local Senators and MPs know that this is a critically important election issue and - with an election looming - YOUR vote depends on THEIR response. MPs and Senators are also encouraged to send links to their public pronouncements.

Let's make this an election issue and force all these elected representatives to go on the record. Please help.

See below for notes and an explanation of ratings.

Alphabetical list of Senators

Name and Electorate Support Rating
Abetz, the Hon Eric - Senator for Tasmania -6 (link1)
Adams, Judith - Senator for Western Australia -5 (link1, link2)
Arbib, the Hon Mark - Senator for New South Wales (retired hurt) -9 (link1)
Back, Chris - Senator for Western Australia -5 (link1, link2)
Bernardi, Cory - Senator for South Australia -7 (link1)
Bilyk, Catryna - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Birmingham, Simon - Senator for South Australia -5 (link1, link2)
Bishop, Mark - Senator for Western Australia -5 (link1)
Boswell, the Hon Ronald - Senator for Queensland -1 (link1, link2)
Boyce, Sue - Senator for Queensland -5 (link1)
Brandis, the Hon George - Senator for Queensland -6 (link1)
Brown, Bob - Senator for Tasmania (retired) +5 (link1, link2)
Brown, Carol - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Bushby, David - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Cameron, Doug - Senator for New South Wales -3 (link1, link2, link3)
Carr, Bob - Senator for NSW -5 (link1)
Carr, the Hon Kim - Senator for Victoria (retiring) -1 (link1)
Cash, Michaelia - Senator for Western Australia -5 (link1)
Colbeck, the Hon Richard - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Collins, the Hon Jacinta - Senator for Victoria -6 (link1, link2)
Conroy, the Hon Stephen - Senator for Victoria (retiring) -8 (link1)
Cormann, Mathias - Senator for Western Australia -1 (link1, link2)
Crossin, Trish - Senator for Northern Territory -5 (link1)
Di Natale, Richard - Senator for Victoria +4 (link1, link2, link3)
Edwards, Sean - Senator for South Australia -5 (link1)
Eggleston, Alan - Senator for Western Australia -1 (link1)
Evans, the Hon Christopher - Senator for Western Australia (RETIRING) -1 (link1, link2, link3)
Farrell, the Hon Don - Senator for South Australia -5 (link1)
Faulkner, the Hon John - Senator for New South Wales -6 (link1, link2)
Fawcett, David - Senator for South Australia -5 (link1)
Feeney, the Hon David - Senator for Victoria -9 (link1, link2)
Fierravanti-Wells, Concetta - Senator for New South Wales -1 (link1, link2)
Fifield, Mitch - Senator for Victoria -5 (link1)
Furner, Mark - Senator for Queensland -1 (link1)
Gallacher, Alex - Senator for South Australia -5 (link1)
Hanson-Young, Sarah - Senator for South Australia +4 (link1, link2)
Heffernan, the Hon Bill - Senator for New South Wales -6 (link1, link2)
Hogg, the Hon John - Senator for Queensland -1 (link1)
Humphries, Gary - Senator for Australian Capital Territory -1 (link1)
Johnston, the Hon David - Senator for Western Australia -1 (link1)
Joyce, Barnaby - Senator for Queensland -1 (link1, link2)
Kroger, Helen - Senator for Victoria -5 (link1)
Ludlam, Scott - Senator for Western Australia +10 (link1, link2, link3)
Ludwig, the Hon Joe - Senator for Queensland -5 (link1)
Lundy, the Hon Kate - Senator for Australian Capital Territory -5 (link1)
Macdonald, the Hon Ian - Senator for Queensland -1 (link1, link2)
McEwen, Anne - Senator for South Australia -5 (link1)
McKenzie, Bridget - Senator for Victoria -6 (link1, link2)
McLucas, the Hon Jan - Senator for Queensland -5 (link1)
Madigan, John - Senator for Victoria -5 (link1)
Marshall, Gavin - Senator for Victoria -5 (link1)
Mason, the Hon Brett - Senator for Queensland -1 (link1, link2)
Milne, Christine - Senator for Tasmania +5 (link1, link2)
Moore, Claire - Senator for Queensland -5 (link1)
Nash, Fiona - Senator for New South Wales -1 (link1)
Parry, Stephen - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Payne, Marise - Senator for New South Wales -7 (link1 link2)
Polley, Helen - Senator for Tasmania -1 (link1)
Pratt, Louise - Senator for Western Australia -5 (link1, link2)
Rhiannon, Lee - Senator for New South Wales +4 (link1, link2)
Ronaldson, the Hon Michael - Senator for Victoria -1 (link1)
Ruston, Anne - Senator for South Australia -1
Ryan, Scott - Senator for Victoria -1 (link1)
Scullion, the Hon Nigel - Senator for Northern Territory -1 (link1)
Sherry, the Hon Nick - Senator for Tasmania -1 (link1)
Siewert, Rachel - Senator for Western Australia +4 (link1, link2)
Singh, the Hon Lisa - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Sinodinos, Arthur - Senator for New South Wales -8 (link1, link2)
Stephens, the Hon Ursula - Senator for New South Wales -5 (link1)
Sterle, Glenn - Senator for Western Australia -5 (link1)
Thistlethwaite, Matt - Senator for New South Wales -5 (link1)
Urquhart, Anne - Senator for Tasmania -5 (link1)
Waters, Larissa - Senator for Queensland +5 (link1, link2)
Williams, John - Senator for New South Wales -5 (link1)
Wong, the Hon Penny - Senator for South Australia -1 (link1)
Wright, Penny - Senator for South Australia +4 (link1, link2)
Xenophon, Nick - Senator for South Australia  -1 (link1)

Alphabetical list of MPs

Name and Electorate Support Rating
Abbott, The Hon Tony, Member for Warringah -9 (link1, link2)
Adams, The Hon Dick, Member for Lyons -1 (silence)
Albanese, The Hon Anthony, Member for Grayndler -1 (silence)
Alexander, Mr John, Member for Bennelong -1 (silence)
Andrews, Mrs Karen, Member for McPherson -1 (silence)
Andrews, The Hon Kevin, Member for Menzies -1 (silence)
Baldwin, The Hon Bob, Member for Paterson -1 (silence)
Bandt, Mr Adam, Member for Melbourne +4 (link1, link2)
Billson, The Hon Bruce, Member for Dunkley -1 (silence)
Bird, Ms Sharon, Member for Cunningham +2 (link1), link2)
Bishop, The Hon Bronwyn, Member for Mackellar -1 (link1)
Bishop, The Hon Julie, Member for Curtin -9 (link1, link2, link3, link4)
Bowen, The Hon Chris, Member for McMahon -1 (silence)
Bradbury, The Hon David, Member for Lindsay -1 (silence)
Briggs, Mr Jamie, Member for Mayo -1 (silence)
Broadbent, Mr Russell, Member for McMillan -1 (silence)
Brodtmann, Ms Gai, Member for Canberra -1 (silence)
Buchholz, Mr Scott, Member for Wright -1 (silence)
Burke, Ms Anna, Member for Chisholm -1 (silence)
Burke, The Hon Tony, Member for Watson -1 (silence)
Butler, The Hon Mark, Member for Port Adelaide -1 (silence)
Byrne, The Hon Anthony, Member for Holt -1 (silence)
Champion, Mr Nick, Member for Wakefield -1 (silence)
Cheeseman, Mr Darren, Member for Corangamite -1 (silence)
Chester, Mr Darren, Member for Gippsland -1 (silence)
Christensen, Mr George, Member for Dawson -1 (silence)
Ciobo, Mr Steven, Member for Moncrieff -4 (link1, link2)
Clare, The Hon Jason, Member for Blaxland -1 (silence)
Cobb, The Hon John, Member for Calare -1 (silence)
Collins, The Hon Julie, Member for Franklin -1 (silence)
Combet, Greg, Member for Charlton(retiring) -1 (silence)
Coulton, Mr Mark, Member for Parkes -1 (silence)
Crean, The Hon Simon, Member for Hotham -1 (silence)
Crook, Mr Tony, Member for O'Connor -5 (link1, link2)
Danby, Mr Michael, Member for Melbourne Ports -8 (link1)
D'Ath, Mrs Yvette, Member for Petrie -1 (silence)
Dreyfus, The Hon Mark, Member for Isaacs -1 (silence)
Dutton, The Hon Peter, Member for Dickson -1 (silence)
Elliot, The Hon Justine, Member for Richmond -1 (silence)
Ellis, The Hon Kate, Member for Adelaide -5 (link1)
Emerson, Craig, Member for Rankin(retiring) -6 (link1)
Entsch, The Hon Warren, Member for Leichhardt -1 (silence)
Ferguson, Mr Laurie, Member for Werriwa -1 (link1)
Ferguson, The Hon Martin, Member for Batman -1 (silence)
Fitzgibbon, The Hon Joel, Member for Hunter -1 (silence)
Fletcher, Mr Paul, Member for Bradfield -1 (silence)
Forrest, Mr John, Member for Mallee -1 (silence)
Frydenberg, Mr Josh, Member for Kooyong -1 (silence)
Gambaro, The Hon Teresa, Member for Brisbane -1 (silence)
Garrett, Peter, Member for Kingsford Smith(retiring) -5 (link1)
Gash, Mrs Joanna, Member for Gilmore -1 (silence)
Georganas, Mr Steve, Member for Hindmarsh -1 (silence)
Gibbons, Mr Steve, Member for Bendigo -1 (silence)
Gillard, The Hon Julia, Member for Lalor (GONE!) -10 (link1, link2, link3)
Gray, The Hon Gary, Member for Brand -1 (silence)
Grierson, Ms Sharon, Member for Newcastle(retired) +5 (link1)
Griffin, The Hon Alan, Member for Bruce -1 (silence)
Griggs, Mrs Natasha, Member for Solomon -1 (silence)
Haase, Mr Barry, Member for Durack -1 (silence)
Hall, Ms Jill, Member for Shortland -1 (silence)
Hartsuyker, Mr Luke, Member for Cowper -1 (silence)
Hawke, Mr Alex, Member for Mitchell -1 (silence)
Hayes, Mr Chris, Member for Fowler -1 (silence)
Hockey, The Hon Joe, Member for North Sydney -1 (silence)
Hunt, The Hon Greg, Member for Flinders -1 (silence)
Husic, Mr Ed, Member for Chifley -1 (silence)
Irons, Mr Steve, Member for Swan -1 (silence)
Jenkins, Mr Harry, Member for Scullin -1 (silence)
Jensen, Dr Dennis, Member for Tangney -1 (silence)
Jones, Mr Ewen, Member for Herbert -1 (silence)
Jones, Mr Stephen, Member for Throsby -1 (silence)
Katter, The Hon Bob, Member for Kennedy -1 (silence)
Keenan, Mr Michael, Member for Stirling -1 (silence)
Kelly, Mr Craig, Member for Hughes -1 (silence)
Kelly, The Hon Dr Mike, Member for Eden-Monaro -1 (silence)
King, The Hon Catherine, Member for Ballarat -1 (silence)
Laming, Mr Andrew, Member for Bowman -1 (link1)
Leigh, Dr Andrew, Member for Fraser -1 (silence)
Ley, The Hon Sussan, Member for Farrer -1 (silence)
Livermore, Ms Kirsten, Member for Capricornia -1 (silence)
Lyons, Mr Geoff, Member for Bass -1 (silence)
Macfarlane, The Hon Ian, Member for Groom -1 (silence)
Macklin, The Hon Jenny, Member for Jagajaga -1 (silence)
Marino, Ms Nola, Member for Forrest -1 (silence)
Markus, Mrs Louise, Member for Macquarie -1 (silence)
Marles, The Hon Richard, Member for Corio -1 (silence)
Matheson, Mr Russell, Member for Macarthur -1 (silence)
McClelland, Robert, Member for Barton(retiring) -10 (link)
McCormack, Mr Michael, Member for Riverina -1 (silence)
Melham, Mr Daryl, Member for Banks -1 (silence)
Mirabella, Mrs Sophie, Member for Indi -1 (silence)
Mitchell, Mr Rob, Member for McEwen -1 (silence)
Morrison, Mr Scott, Member for Cook -1 (silence)
Moylan, The Hon Judi, Member for Pearce -1 (silence)
Murphy, The Hon John, Member for Reid -1 (silence)
Neumann, Mr Shayne, Member for Blair -1 (silence)
Neville, Mr Paul, Member for Hinkler -1 (silence)
Oakeshott, Mr Robert, Member for Lyne(retiring) -3 (link1)
O'Connor, The Hon Brendan, Member for Gorton -1 (silence)
O'Dowd, Mr Ken, Member for Flynn -1 (silence)
O'Dwyer, Ms Kelly, Member for Higgins -1 (silence)
O'Neill, Ms Deb, Member for Robertson -5 (link1)
Owens, Ms Julie, Member for Parramatta -1 (silence)
Parke, Ms Melissa, Member for Fremantle +5 (link1)
Perrett, Mr Graham, Member for Moreton -1 (silence)
Plibersek, The Hon Tanya, Member for Sydney -9 (link1, link2, link3, link4)
Prentice, Mrs Jane, Member for Ryan -1 (silence)
Pyne, The Hon Christopher, Member for Sturt -1 (silence)
Ramsey, Mr Rowan, Member for Grey -1 (silence)
Randall, Mr Don, Member for Canning -1 (silence)
Ripoll, Mr Bernie, Member for Oxley -1 (silence)
Rishworth, Ms Amanda, Member for Kingston -1 (silence)
Robb, The Hon Andrew, Member for Goldstein -1 (silence)
Robert, Mr Stuart, Member for Fadden -1 (silence)
Rowland, Ms Michelle, Member for Greenway -1 (silence)
Roxon, Nicola, Member for Gellibrand (retired) -8 (link1, link2)
Roy, Mr Wyatt, Member for Longman -1 (silence)
Rudd, The Hon Kevin, Member for Griffith -5 (link1 link2 link3 link4, link5)
Ruddock, The Hon Philip, Member for Berowra -7 (link1)
Saffin, Ms Janelle, Member for Page +3 (link1)
Schultz, Mr Alby, Member for Hume -1 (silence)
Scott, The Hon Bruce, Member for Maranoa -1 (silence)
Secker, Mr Patrick, Member for Barker -1 (silence)
Shorten, The Hon Bill, Member for Maribyrnong -9 (link1, link2, link3, link4)
Sidebottom, Hon Sid, Member for Braddon -1 (silence)
Simpkins, Mr Luke, Member for Cowan -1 (silence)
Slipper, The Hon Peter, Member for Fisher -1 (silence)
Smith, Stephen, Member for Perth (retiring) -1 (silence)
Smith, The Hon Tony, Member for Casey -5 (link1)
Smyth, Ms Laura, Member for La Trobe -1 (silence)
Snowdon, The Hon Warren, Member for Lingiari -1 (silence)
Somlyay, The Hon Alexander, Member for Fairfax -1 (link1)
Southcott, Dr Andrew, Member for Boothby -1 (link1)
Stone, The Hon Dr Sharman, Member for Murray -1 (link1)
Swan, Wayne, Member for Lilley(retiring) -5 (link1, link2)
Symon, Mr Mike, Member for Deakin -1 (link1)
Tehan, Mr Dan, Member for Wannon -1 (link1)
Thomson, Mr Craig, Member for Dobell -5 (link1, link2)
Thomson, Mr Kelvin, Member for Wills -1 (link1)
Truss, The Hon Warren, Member for Wide Bay -2 (link1)
Tudge, Mr Alan, Member for Aston -1 (link1)
Turnbull, The Hon Malcolm, Member for Wentworth -5 (link)
Vamvakinou, Ms Maria, Member for Calwell -1 (link1, link2, link3)
Van Manen, Mr Bert, Member for Forde -1 (link1)
Vasta, Mr Ross, Member for Bonner -1 (link1)
Washer, Dr Mal, Member for Moore -1 (link1)
Wilkie, Mr Andrew, Member for Denison +4 (link1, link2)
Windsor, Tony, Member for New England(retiring) -1 (link1)
Wyatt, Mr Ken, Member for Hasluck -1 (link1)
Zappia, Mr Tony, Member for Makin -1 (link1)
1. Several Greens signed a Dec 2011 letter to the PM but - aside from Senator Ludlum - they have been too quiet since then. The other parties have been almost unanimously silent or towing party lines with cautiously worded form letters. This in unacceptable cowardice in a nation where 80% of citizens support Assange and WikiLeaks. Anyone who responds to inquiries with a form letter gets -5 points.
2. When PM Julia Gillard pre-emptively declared Assange's actions "illegal" several MPs and Senators spoke out saying that Assange was entitled to a presumption of innocence, and the PM was unwise to make such comments. Not surprisingly, most of these politicians were either in Opposition or undermining Gillard as part of Kevin Rudd's Labor faction. Their comments merely state the basic rights of any Australian citizen. It is worth noting that they have said nothing more on WikiLeaks or Assange since. 0 points for stating the obvious.
3. When Senator Scott Ludlum asked the Senate to support Julian Assange, only 9 Senators voted in favour (all Greens).
4. For a detailed explanation of the Swedish legal case and Australian government's lack of support, see Assange lawyer Jennifer Robinson's Brief To Canberrra.
5. Please note that any correspondence you receive from an MP or Senator should be considered public. If you send it to me, expect me to post it and link. If it appears suspicious I will verify it.
6. UPDATE 18/6/13: "All that is required for the victory of evil is for good men to remain silent." On this basis, anyone who still has said nothing is now on -1. Today's comments by Julie Bishop make it clear both ALP and LNP are taking direction from USA on Assange, and even supposedly sympathetic MPs seem gutless to speak up.


  1. Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull both deserve positive marks (though minor ones) +1 or +2 I'd say

    1. Rudd blamed the US for not keeping cables secret and suggested it wasn't WikiLeaks fault. But where has he been since then? Voting down Greens motions.

      Turnbull compared WikiLeaks to his own work on the SpyCatcher case but where has he been since then? Voting down Green motions.

      Either gentleman is free to speak up, in fact I have pressed them both repeatedly and been totally ignored. Nothing positive in that.

      NB fixed typo.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
